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Monday 26 April 2010

Making Corsets and party over Europe!

Its taken me ages to add a new reply here!!

I have finally arranged when to teach my next corset course in Berlin and I am happy to say it will start Monday 14th June - Saturday 19th June! 10am-1pm each day! It will be held at Linkle Stitch n
'N' Bitch sewing cafe!! If anyone is interested in attending the course please get in contact!

At the moment I am working on some new designs but it is taking me a while to get around to doing them! But I have a range of materials to play with and hoping to get some designs made up soon and ready to put in my online shop! Also working on a costume I hope to wear to a fetish party held at Club Rub in London in May, that should be fun! 

Also looking forward to going to London to find loads of materials to use. I feel a bit lost here in Italy, the things I want I can't find and everything is a tad too expensive...makes you really appreciate cities like Berlin and how cheap it is! I am missing going to parties but just read that Torture Garden will be coming to Rome at the end of May, the weekend after the Club Rub party in London! So perhaps that is another date for the diary!

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